The short version of the Shyness Questionnaire: Reliability, validity and factor structure
shyness questionnaire, short version of the questionnaire, psychometric properties, shyness, reliability, validity, factor modelAbstract
Introduction. Shyness is one of the strongest predictors of social media addiction, which makes shyness an important research object. Currently, scholars actively use the Shyness Questionnaire adapted for Russian-speaking society by A. Belousova and I. Yusupov (Belousova, Yusupov 2005). There is a common view that long-established questionnaires need to be re-validated, as the answers of today’s respondents may differ significantly from the answers of the respondents at the time when those questionnaires were created. It is also relevant to make questionnaires shorter, as large questionnaires cause difficulties in collecting materials and yield lesser quality answers. This study has the following objectives: 1) developing a short version of the Shyness Questionnaire, and 2) constructing a shyness factor model.
Materials and Methods. Empirical data for the study were collected through an online survey of 3360 respondents: 2739 respondents from Belarus and 621 respondents from Russia (average age M = 19.4, SD = 5.6), among them 2239 women (M = 19.7, SD = 6.0) and 1121 men (M = 19.1, SD = 4.7). The study used the following questionnaires: the Shyness Questionnaire adapted by A. Belousova and I. Yusupov (Belousova, Yusupov 2005), the Smartphone Addiction Questionnaire by V. Sheinov (Sheinov 2020), the Social Network Addiction Questionnaire by V. Sheinov and A. Dziavitsyn (Sheinov, Dziavitsyn 2021), the Assertiveness Questionnaire by V. Sheinov (Sheinov 2014), the Life Satisfaction Scale by E. Osin and D. Leontyev (Osin, Leontyev 2008), the Self-Esteem Questionnaire by R. Ovcharova (Ovcharova 2003), and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale adapted by A. Zolotareva (Zolotareva 2020).
Results. We created a short 12-question version of the Shyness Questionnaire. This version satisfies the basic criteria of validity and reliability and has better psychometric properties than the original questionnaire. We also constructed a consistent three-factor model of shyness, which makes it possible to study the role of its factors and the relationship between shyness and other personality traits.
Conclusions. The short version of the Shyness Questionnaire makes it possible to conduct research using a more convenient instrument with better psychometric properties. The theoretical application of the results is that they make it possible to research the role of the factors that shape an individual’s shyness. A shortened version of the Shyness Questionnaire is provided in the Appendix.
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