Constructive and blind patriotism in adolescence: The contribution of age, gender and type of educational institution
patriotism, constructive patriotism, blind patriotism, adolescents, schoolchildren, secondary general education school students, vocational school students, university studentsAbstract
Introduction. The problems of patriotic education of youth and adolescents attract increasing attention of psychologists and teachers. As a result, there is a growing demand in studies focusing on the content and age dynamics of patriotic attitudes in these age groups. The article analyses the contribution of socio-demographic variables (age, gender, type of educational institution) to the indicators of blind and constructive patriotism in adolescents.
Materials and Methods. The study involved 463 adolescents (51.8 % female, 48.2 % male) aged 14–18: students of secondary general education schools (40.5 %), vocational schools (34.1 %) and universities (25.4 %) of Saint Petersburg and Leningrad Region. The empirical data were collected using the Constructive Patriotism Questionnaire (the adolescent version by S. V. Vasileva, A. V. Miklyaeva) and a socio-demographic questionnaire. The results of the application of the Kolmogorov–Smirnov criterion (d = 0.08 p < 0.01 for the scale of constructive patriotism, d = 0.07 p < 0.05 for the scale of blind patriotism) determined the usage of nonparametric methods for data processing.
Results. In adolescents aged 14–18, the increase in the respondents’ age in associated with a decrease in blind patriotism (H = 24.83 p < 0.001; rs = –0.21 p < 0.01) and an increase in constructive patriotism (H = 12.85 p = 0.01; rs = 0.16 p < 0.01). The dynamics of blind patriotism is primarily provided by the changes in the male sample, and of constructive patriotism, in the female sample. The male sample in general has higher indicators of blind patriotism (U = 24999.5 p = 0.05), and the female sample in general has higher indicators of constructive patriotism (U = 24745.5 at p = 0.03). The blind patriotism was significantly higher in secondary general education school students and significantly lower in university students (H = 24.83 p < 0.001). We found no interaction between the factors ‘age*educational institution’ for students of secondary general education schools and vocational schools aged 15–17.
Conclusions. The results are important for interpreting the results of the Constructive Patriotism Questionnaire (adolescent version), as well as for developing psychological and pedagogical programs aimed at promoting constructive patriotic attitudes among youth and adolescents.
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