Personality traits correlated with smartphone addiction in women and men




smartphone addiction, self-esteem, impulsivity, neuroticism, Internet addiction, aggression, extraversion, social networks, men, women


Smartphone addiction is a new phenomenon. It is also one of the most widespread non-medical addictions, which, in its scale, has already left behind Internet addiction and gambling addiction. Many people cannot imagine their life without a smartphone and always keep it with them. Due to the fact that their attention is constantly riveted to their smartphone, most active users cannot fully study or work, establish relationships with others or live a full life. These and other negative consequences of smartphone addiction make it relevant to study this phenomenon.

The aim of the study is to identify the relationship between smartphone addition and various personality and other traits.

The study involved 406 subjects, including 264 women 18–75 years old and 142 men 17–67 years old.

The article demonstrates that smartphone addiction for women and men is negatively associated with self-esteem and positively associated with impulsivity, neuroticism, Internet addiction, use of social networks and the habit of using a smartphone before bedtime. All of those dependencies are linear. Smartphone addition in women is much higher than in men.

These connections and relationships are the same as those found in foreign studies. However, there is no positive correlation of smartphone addiction with aggressiveness, extraversion, interpersonal conflicts or openness in the Russian-speaking society.

Negative correlation of smartphone addiction with the quality of one’s relationships with parents and a positive correlation with education in humanities, found in foreign studies, is only present in Russian men.

The practical significance of these results is that they can be used in educational work with school and university students. Psychologists at educational institutions and curators of study groups can use these results as the basis for the development and implementation of measures aimed at preventing smartphone addiction in students.

The obtained theoretical results can be useful in planning further studies on smartphone addiction, using the proposed method for studying the problem field and conducting a comparative analysis of the results.



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