The digital transformation of the potential of school and university students addicted to social networks




potential of students, addiction to social networks, digital transformations, questionnaires, factorial models, digital addictions


Introduction. Social media addiction is one of the most common digital addictions. The prior research established direct links between social media addiction and numerous negative features of digital transformations in subjects addicted to social networks. This indicates the relevance of conducting similar studies in the Russian-speaking society. Such studies are most relevant for school and university students, since addiction to social networks reduces the potential for learning, which is directly evidenced by a number of studies that established the negative relationships of this addiction with the academic performance of school and university students and their physical and mental health.

Materials and Methods. This article presents the results of a number of the author’s studies that found links between social media addiction and digital transformation. The author presents questionnaires which he has developed to measure addiction to social networks and smartphones and exposure to cyberbullying (as cyberbullying is one of the dangers typical of online interactions). The reliability and validity of these questionnaires have been proven.

Results. The author built three-factor models of addiction to social networks and the closely related addiction to a smartphone in order to analyze their internal structure. It is shown that the relationship between the two addictions is quite natural, since it is realized at the level of factors that form these addictions. The identified properties of these addictions and their relationship with signs of psychological distress and with digital transformations confirm the conclusions about the danger of addiction to social networks.

Conclusions. The practical significance of the results obtained lies in the fact that the links between addiction to social networks and digital transformations indicate the need for preventive work with school and university students to prevent the formation of their addiction to social networks and explain to them the dangers of excessive involvement in social networks. The article suggests directions for further research on digital addictions.



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