Cognitive patterns of perception of an “effective” and “ineffective” high school teacher by students with different academic motivations




cognitive pattern, social perception, teachers, students, effectiveness of teaching


Introduction. Today the quality of university teachers’ work is widely analyzed using student assessments of teachers’ personal and professional qualities. However, such analyses often fail to take into account the patterns of social perception that can mediate the results of student surveys. The paper describes cognitive patterns of perception of “effective” and “ineffective” high school teachers by students with different academic motivations. Cognitive patterns are viewed as psychological tools for evaluating various social objects — such tools are formed during the socio-psychological interpretation of the objects which is the formation of judgments about the objects based on the perception and semantics of their characteristics available to observation.

Materials and Methods. The participants included 1st and 2nd year students (N = 118) of a pedagogical university who were surveyed immediately after attending lectures by teachers previously unknown to them. We used a questionnaire to calculate the indicator of “effectiveness” of teachers based on such parameters as the lecture’s content, usefulness and the degree of its interest. We used the method of polar profiles to characterize personal and professional qualities attributed to teachers, and the Scale of Academic Motivation.

Results. During socio-psychological interpretation of a teacher’s personality, students attribute more positive personal qualities to “effective” teachers than to the “ineffective” ones. The cognitive patterns of personality perception of an “effective” and “ineffective” teacher include characteristics of professional, communicative, moral and regulatory potential. The content of cognitive patterns of perception of the personality of an “effective” and “ineffective” teacher reproduces the construct of human psychology that meets the requirements of the activity performed, and includes characteristics of professional, communicative, moral and regulatory potential. Students who implement the need for autonomy in their educational activities are more independent in assessing professional and personal qualities attributed to teachers than students with introjected and external motivation.

Conclusion. The results can be used when conducting student surveys aimed at assessing the quality of university teachers’ work, and when interpreting the data obtained by such surveys.



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