Development of a tool for studying students’ social and psychological interpretation of the teacher’s person based on reference role image simulation




social and psychological personality interpretation, teacher’s personality, psychological qualities of a teacher, models of a teacher’s standard image, polar profile technique


The article describes the algorithm for developing a variant of the polar profile technique, which can be used to investigate students’ view on an individual teacher by comparing it with the reference image. The features of an ideal teacher were identified with due regard for the patterns of social and psychological interpretation of a person that are associated with students’ individual properties, the individual properties of students’ groups and the unique nature of the activities that connect students and teachers. Due to the unique nature of the subject area and the respondents’ language, a particular focus in developing the technique is placed on the principle of content validity. The reference image has been built on the basis of a survey results and descriptions (answers to an open-ended question) from 335 respondents. This resulted in 630 semantic units that students use to describe teachers’ personality and activities. These data were processed with the use of various techniques, including frequency analysis (controlling for the sustainability thresholds of the unit under consideration), cluster analysis and two types of content analysis: teacher’s mental potential and their functional activity structure. The analysis has demonstrated that students’ views on the ideal teacher are both similar and diverse. Student descriptions included moral, motivational, regulatory, communicative, verbal, intellectual, affective, reflexive and creative qualities that are manifested in teacher’s behavior and work style, their attitude to students, to their work and to themselves, as well as the qualities connected with teacher’s knowledge, skills and abilities. The research resulted in the polar profile technique that containing 34 pairs of opposite teacher qualities. It can serve as a tool for investigating students’ views on the types of teachers they prefer in direct and indirect educational settings.



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How to Cite

Panferov, V. N., Miklyaeva, A. V., Bezgodova, S. A., Vasileva, S. V., & Ivanov, A. S. (2019). Development of a tool for studying students’ social and psychological interpretation of the teacher’s person based on reference role image simulation. Psychology in Education, 1(2), 158–168.


