Relationships between smartphone addiction and personality traits among cadets




smartphone addiction, internet addiction, shyness, communicative competence, self-control, self-regulation, persistence, aggressiveness, cadets


There is plenty of research showing that smartphone addiction affects many of the personality traits of smartphone active users.

Smartphone addiction affects a number of emotional-volitional and communicative qualities and personality states which are extremely important for the cadets of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, since their future profession requires them to meet stringent requirements while preventing and eliminating emergencies.

This study analyses the influence of smartphone addiction on the formation of those emotional-volitional and communicative states and personality traits that are important for the future profession of the cadets.

Materials and methods. Smartphone addiction was assessed using the short version of the Smartphone Addiction Scale. The subjects were also assessed in terms of internet addiction, anxiety, depression, stress resistance, self-control, persistence, self-efficacy, self-assessment, assertiveness, aggressiveness, communicative competence, emotional intelligence, life satisfaction, loneliness, self-regulation, self-esteem, locus of control, insecurity from cyberbullying, shyness and procrastination.

The study involved 100 male cadets, most of whom are 4th year cadets of the “Prevention and elimination of emergencies” programme.

Research results. The article shows that smartphone addiction is positively associated with internet addiction, shyness, insomnia, addictive behaviour, loneliness, and negatively associated with aggressiveness, competent behaviour, self-regulation, self-control and persistence. Some of these relationships generally correspond to the correlations established in foreign studies, while the negative links of smartphone addiction with persistence and self-control and positive links with bad mood and addictive behaviour are new for both domestic and foreign studies.

Conclusion. The practical result of the study is the following recommendation: as part of the moral and values education, it is advised that the cadets are made aware of the serious negative consequences of smartphone addiction and of the advantages of face-to-face communication.



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