Augmented reality as a tool to improve the learning success of students from the People’s Republic of China


  • Julia S. Pezhemskaya Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
  • Teresa V. Petrova Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
  • Quanyou Shi Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
  • Yulong Xu Shaanxi University of Technology



augmented reality, immersive learning environment, learning success, students, People’s Republic of China


Introduction. Increasing the success of teaching foreign students in Russia is one of the urgent tasks of the internationalization of higher education.

The study focuses on the learning success of foreign students from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) when augmented reality is used to present the learning material.

Materials and Methods. The following methods were used in the study: the Russian as a Foreign Language method to determine the level of the Russian language; V. Gerbachevsky’s method to assess the level of ambition; S. Efremtseva’s method to diagnose the dominant perceptual modality; a test on a topic studied in the Psychology of Human Development in Education subject; and the Vocabulary method to determine individual vocabulary and breadth of outlook on the topic. The respondents were 115 international undergraduate students from the PRC studying at Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia.

The hypothesis of the study was that students from the PRC demonstrate a different level of learning success depending on whether or not they use augmented reality in their learning. To test the hypothesis, a standard section of the course was enriched with augmented reality elements and a comparative analysis of the studied indicators was conducted for the experimental and control groups at different stages of the experiment according to the research design.

Results. The results showed that the group of randomly selected students from the PRC who did not differ significantly from the control group in terms of their Russian language skills, dominant perceptual modality, ambition level and learning success, demonstrated a higher success rate when learning the material through augmented reality elements during the distance learning course on the LMS Moodle platform, as compared to the group studying the same course on the same platform without the elements of augmented realty. Significant differences in student success were only observed between the groups during the experiment.

Conclusions. Presentation of learning materials using augmented reality elements can be considered as a way to enhance the success of international students from the PRC in distance learning.



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