Emotional orientation of individuals with different levels of advertising suggestibility
advertising suggestiveness, emotional orientation, hedonistic emotional orientation, acquisitive emotional orientationAbstract
Introduction. The modern media environment is characterized by a rapid development of information technology and growth in the number of information flows. This allows the individual to immerse deeper and deeper into such environment thereby expanding his or her living space. Advertising is a common phenomenon in the media — it not only plays an important informational role, but also influences the value-semantic, emotional, motivational and other spheres of personality. The available research on the psychology of advertising has high scientific significance but largely overlooks the question about the relationship between the level of advertising suggestibility of an individual and the individual’s other personal characteristics — e. g., his or her emotional orientation. This study seeks to identify the characteristics of the emotional orientation of individuals with different levels of advertising suggestibility.
Materials and Methods. The study involved 150 people, including 65 men and 85 women aged 16 to 40 years. The respondents were internet users recruited by letters inviting them to participate in the study. The methods included the General Emotional Orientation Questionnaire by B. I. Dodonov and the Personality Advertising Suggestibility Questionnaire by the author of this article.
Results. The study found that the respondents who are prone to advertising suggestibility are also characterized by high importance of hedonistic emotional orientation and ‘acquisitive’ emotional orientation.
Conclusions. The study found a relationship between the characteristics of an individual’s emotional orientation and the level of the individual’s advertising suggestibility. The results can be used to provide psychological support to individuals undergoing media socialization. School psychologists can use the results in individual or group work to increase the students’ psychological well-being and psychological safety. Further research may focus on analyzing the psychological specifics of the relationship between the level of advertising suggestibility and other personality characteristics of an individual.
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