Psychological features of the emotional orientation of a person prone to cyberbullying




internet space, cyberbullying, emotional orientation, pugnic orientation, gloric orientation


Introduction. In the modern world, the entry of a person into the socio-cultural space of the internet is becoming an increasingly common phenomenon. At the same time, the psychological characteristics of a person become determinants of his behavior in a virtual environment. Along with constructive models of social interaction, a person on the internet can also form patterns which can cause psychological harm to other participants of virtual communication — for instance, cyberbullying. There are insufficient studies on the psychological features of a person, such as emotional orientation, that contribute to the formation of a propensity for cyberbullying. The purpose of this article is to identify differences in the emotional orientation in individuals with different levels of propensity for cyberbullying.

Materials and Methods. The participants were 60 internet users aged 14 to 35 (26 male and 34 female) who were selected randomly. The methods included the questionnaire “Determination of the general emotional orientation” by B. I. Dodonov and the author’s questionnaire “The orientation of the behavior of the individual in the internet space”. Kruskal-Wallis H-test and correlation analysis was used for mathematical processing.

Results. The study revealed that the level of a person’s propensity for cyberbullying can increase along with an increase in the level of pugnic and gloric emotional orientations. Specifically, the desire to commit acts of virtual aggression increases along with the increase of the value of affective experiences associated with aspiration for fame and self-affirmation as well as overcoming dangers and risks.

Conclusion. There is a relationship between the features of the emotional orientation of a person and the level of the person’s propensity for cyberbullying. The results of this study can be used in the psychological support of individuals in the process of their internet socialization. Further research may focus on identifying the relationships between a person’s propensity for cyberbullying and other features of the person’s value-semantic sphere.



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