Attitudes towards technological innovation: A cross-cultural study




attitude to technological innovations, techno-optimism, techno-pessimism, cross-cultural research, generational differences


Introduction. The rapid expansion of new technologies into everyday life makes it extremely urgent to study the attitude to such technologies among their potential users. The article presents the results of a study conducted in Russia, Brazil and Hungary focusing on the attitude of people from these countries to the latest technological advances and innovations. The study tested the hypothesis that the attitude to new technologies has cultural and age specifics.

Materials and Methods. Empirical data were collected using the following methods: a questionnaire developed on the basis of the Scale of General Personal Attitude to Development of Science and Technology (Special Eurobarometer), Scale of Technophobia, Questionnaire on Acceptance and Use of Technology, Scale of Negative Attitudes Towards Use of Computers, Questionnaire on Attitudes Towards Nanotechnology, and the methods developed by the authors of this article. The data were analyzed using ANOVA and correlation analysis with the IBM SPSS Statistics23 software. The study involved 577 respondents aged 15–73, including 63 Brazilians, 242 Russians and 272 Hungarians.

Results. Using variance analysis, we found that there was no significant difference between respondents from Russia, Brazil and Hungary in terms of awareness of technological innovations. The Russians rated their willingness to use new technologies in everyday life higher than Brazilians and Hungarians, while in the Hungarian data these indicators were the lowest. At the same time, respondents from Russia and Hungary demonstrated higher rates of techno-optimism compared to respondents from Brazil. The correlation analysis showed that the relationship between age and attitudes towards innovations in general is characterized by a more pronounced techno-pessimism of the older generations. However, the correlation analysis also showed positive relationships between age and certain techno-optimistic beliefs.

Conclusions. The study confirmed the hypothesis that attitudes towards new technologies have cultural and age specifics. The results open up the prospects for discussing cross-cultural specifics of the attitudes towards technological innovations.



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