Relationship of the level of antisocial behavior in the internet with the socio-psychological attitudes of adolescents
socio-psychological attitudes, Internet space, antisocial behavior, social-perceptual attitude, attitude to freedom, attitude to power, adolescentsAbstract
Introduction. The current stage of social development is characterized by increasing virtualization, which means a person becomes increasingly immersed in the socio-cultural space of the internet. Due to the fact that adolescents, when searching for information or exhibiting compensatory behavior, sometimes tend to resort to antisocial forms of interaction in the virtual space. The article aims to identify the features of the relationship between the level of antisocial behavior in the internet and the socio-psychological attitudes of adolescents.
Materials and Methods. The participants of the study were randomly selected among internet users and included 50 adolescents aged 13 to 16 (28 males and 22 females). The respondents were divided into three groups according to their level of antisocial behavior (low, average and high) in the internet. The following methods were used: “The psychodiagnostic method for assessing the socio-perceptual attitude of the personality” by T. D. Dubovitskaya, “The method of diagnosing the socio-psychological attitudes of the personality” by O. F. Potemkina, and the research questionnaire “Orientation of the personality’s behavior in the internet space” developed by the author. The Kruskal—Wallis H-test and correlation analysis were used for mathematical and statistical data processing.
Results. In the course of the study, it was found that the level of antisocial behavior of a person in the internet can increase along with a decrease in the social-perceptual attitude and an increase in the significance of the socio-psychological attitudes towards power and freedom. It may be concluded that adolescents tend to use destructive models of behavior in the virtual space if they have an unfriendly attitude to other people and desire to influence other people.
Conclusions. There is a relationship between the features of socio-psychological attitudes of adolescents and their antisocial behavior in the internet. The results of this study may be used in the process of psychological support of a person in the process of his internet socialization. Future research may focus on the search for relationships between the level of asocial behavior of a person in the internet and other features of his value-semantic sphere.
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