Relationship of the level of internet activity and the characteristics of the value-semantic sphere of the adolescents
value-semantic sphere of personality, adolescents, value orientations, emotional orientation, life-sense orientations, internet activityAbstract
The current stage of society evolution is distinguished by the emergence and global spread of the phenomenon of virtualization—in particular, by the increasing transition of social interaction to the internet. The peculiarities of the functioning of the virtual personalities of internet users are determined by the psychological features of such users’ value-semantic sphere. This phenomenon is especially important due to the fact that some of the active users of the internet are adolescents who are at the sensitive stage of personality evolution. The article aims to identify the specifics of the relationship between the level of internet activity of adolescents and the features of their value-semantic sphere.
The subjects included adolescents who were randomly selected among the internet users—60 adolescents aged 13 to 16, including 43 boys and 17 girls. In the course of the study, the respondents were divided into 4 groups according to the level of internet activity: passive, situational, active and overly active.
The software and methodological support of the research included the following methods: the questionnaire “Personality in the Internet space” by A. I. Luchinkina; the methodology “Value Orientations” by M. Rokich; the questionnaire “Emotional Orientation of Personality” by B. I. Dodonov; and the methodology “Life-Meaning Orientations” by D. A. Leontyev. The Kruskal—Wallis H-test and correlation analysis were used for mathematical and statistical data processing.
In the course of the study it was found that there is a relationship between the psychological features of the value-semantic sphere of the personality of internet users and the level of their internet activity.
Further research involves studying the relationship between the level of an individual’s internet activity and other characteristics of his value-semantic sphere—such as basic beliefs, social attitudes, etc.
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