Drug screening in the education system: defining the problematic field
drug use, psychological well-being, psychological testing, drug prevention, psychological assistance, education systemAbstract
The article focuses on the role of the education system in monitoring the health of the younger generation, and in particular, on the methodological issues of studying the psychological well-being and drug use among students. The subject of detecting and preventing drug use in the education system has traditionally attracted the attention of the professional community.
The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia participated in the approbation procedures for the new method of the National Socio-Psychological Screening, recommended by the State Policy Department of Higher Education and Youth Policy of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in 2018. In addition, the University has conducted an annual internal screening in order to assess the students’ psychological well-being, which included scales for drug use assessment. The outcomes of the screenings made it possible to formulate a number of recommendations for the development of a program for detecting drug use in the education system. This paper presents these recommendations.
The issues discussed in the article concern legal regulations in the sphere of control over teenage deviance in the education system, the principles of organising a system of drug abuse detection, and the conceptual issues of drug abuse prevention. The paper quotes the results of the student screening that prove the necessity to develop a system of measures to protect students’ psychological well-being which should provide the foundation for solving the problem of drug use. The authors also assess of the organisational costs and time expenditure required for an educational institution to conduct a comprehensive mandatory screening, as provided for by the common methodology of the National Socio-Psychological Screening.
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