A universal model for higher professional education: The case of educational psychologists training





educational psychologist, professional education, professional training, specialist training, models of educational activity


Introduction. The article puts forward ideas of higher education modernization which is needed in order to adjust Russia’s education system to the current situation in society. Market economy that emerged in Russia 30 years ago was not effectively integrated into university management practices which were developed based on the socialist model. As a result, Russia’s university education deteriorated, as it became a hybrid of the Soviet and the Bologna education systems, borrowing the most negative features from both of them. The incompatibility of these systems led to bureaucratization and blocking of teachers’ initiatives and teachers’ potential, as well as to rejection of scientific foundations which used to underpin the design of higher education programs. Scientific studies of changes in qualification requirements for different professions are being replaced by a quasi-scientific competency-based approach.

Materials and Methods. The article identifies the problems which should be solved in order to foster the production of relevant knowledge and train those who carry this knowledge (i. e., fully educated professionals), which is the main factor of socio-economic development of society.

Results. The article considers the key problems of four basic models that make up the universal construct of higher professional education: a) the economic model of education—which reveals the directions of education system modernization in universities as subjects of changed economic relations; b) the cognitive model of knowledge integration—which describes levels of knowledge integration and conditions for their implementation in education; c) the step-by-step model of educational process—which characterizes the stages of fundamental, applied and practical training; d) the qualification model of specialists—which suggests the introduction of professional ranks system. The proposed ideas are illustrated based on educational psychologists training.

Conclusions. The proposed ideas can be considered as a sketch for the project of professional education at a new stage of modernizing the system which is aimed at reproducing the intellectual potential of social development and forming an individual as a subject of professional activity.



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How to Cite

Panferov, V. N. (2023). A universal model for higher professional education: The case of educational psychologists training. Psychology in Education, 5(2), 272–282. https://doi.org/10.33910/2686-9527-2023-5-2-272-282


