Ethical and psychological foundations of socio-natural interaction




ethical and psychological foundations, socio-natural interaction, moral foundations, moral and ethical responsibility, global environmental problems concern, biocentrism, ethical choice, natural and humanistic worldview


Introduction: This article focuses on identifying moral foundations influencing the development of new views on the interaction between nature and society. Particular attention is paid to the historical aspect in the identification of human moral reflections and human interaction with the natural world, demonstrating the connections between natural sciences, humanities and the moral aspect of human consciousness. Different Russian and international schools of thought on the interaction between society and nature have been considered, including those identifying moral foundations driving the assessment of the interaction between nature and society: dispositional and orientational approach, the value and positional approach, and moral and notional approach. The relevance of the study of the place and role of moral assessment of environmental problems in young people is underscored.

Materials and methods: We present the results of an empirical study into the interaction between environmental positions, moral outlook and ethical foundations in students. The study used novel psychological assessment tools: personal moral and ethical responsibility assessment tool, EcO-30 environmental positions assessment tool and moral foundations survey.

Results of the study: The obtained empirical data was used to build correlational and regressive statistical models. It has been observed that women’s choices are influenced by the moral foundation of “care” more often than men’s. Men demonstrate lower levels of environmental internality, biocentrism and general interest in environmental issues. In study participants reflection on moral and ethical situations is linked to biocentrism, while altruistic emotions are linked to both biocentrism and one’s interest in environmental issues. The regression model we built demonstrates the important role that reflection on global environmental issues plays in one’s moral and ethical sphere. It has been observed that increased existential responsibility is linked to lower interest in global environmental issues. Men demonstrate much lower rate of interest in global environmental issues.

Conclusion: The data obtained makes it possible to interpret the psychological effects of the interaction between the personal values we studied and has predictive value. We observe that the ethical foundations for assessing one’s notions of the interaction between nature and society can be found at the interface between their personal moral characteristics and the structural elements of the environmental outlook.



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