Coping with psychological problems among student youth in Russia, Turkey and Azerbaijan


  • Julia S. Pezhemskaya Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
  • Aytan M. Usubova Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
  • Gulsum R. Gulamova State Service for Antimonopoly Control and Supervision of the Consumer Market, Ministry of Economy, Republic of Azerbaijan



coping strategies, psychological problems, internet coping, students, youth, culture, Russia, Azerbaijan, Turkey


The paper presents the results of a cross-cultural pilot study which focused on the concerns of student youth in Russia, Turkey and Azerbaijan and on the strategies used by student youth to overcome problem situations. The study was conducted online in 2020 during the COVID-19 lockdown.

The theoretical basis of this research included Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory; the approach of the scientific school of L. Regush, which allows assessing the level of problematic concerns of young people in different areas of their lives; and S. Folkman and R. Lazarus stress and coping theory.

The aim of the study was to identify both general and culturally specific psychological problems that are currently experienced by the youth of Russia, Turkey and Azerbaijan in various spheres of life. The study also aimed to determine priority strategies for coping with psychological problems.

The methodological complex of the research included the Psychological Problems of Youth Questionnaire (L. Regush et al.); Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire (A. Ware et al.), Index of Internet Immersion Questionnaire (L. Regush et al.); Ways of Coping Questionnaire (R. Lazarus). The study involved 90 students from Russia, Azerbaijan and Turkey, of which 50% are men and 50% are women.

The study showed that Russian, Turkish and Azerbaijani students demonstrate no statistically significant difference in the level of their anxiety about psychological problems, but employ different coping strategies.

The data obtained allow us to speak about the normative age specificity of experiencing problems in the studied sample of young people and about the culture- and gender-specific characteristics of using coping strategies. At the pilot level, we identified the profiles of the correlation between coping strategies of young people in different cultures with psychological problems. The development of these profiles is of interest for further research.



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