Integral psychological phenomena in family interaction


  • Svetlana T. Posokhova Saint Petersburg State University
  • Elena Ya. Didenko Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping
  • Anastasia E. Kolpakova Saint Petersburg State University



child-parent relationships, integration, information, integrative approach, informational environment family, family, children, integrity


This article describes the family informational environment and child-parent relationships in the context of the psychological values of the family informational environment. The family informational environment is regarded as a system of intrafamily relationships which encompasses the parents’ and the children’s attitudes toward the available sources of information, as well as their emotions that may emerge in association with information sources and media usage. The informational environment of the referent families was presented by various sources. The article reports on the results of an empirical study on the family informational environment’s value attributes and families’ adherence to certain sources of information. The results suggest that a family informational environment should be determined in the context of the parents’ and the children’s common acceptance of the Internet as their preferred source of information, their reliance on the Internet as an information source, and the general value of online news and professionally oriented information. It may be concluded that the informational environment supports a specific parents’ and children’s attitude toward information sources and value systems regarding the Internet. Also, the family informational environment is a multilateral and multifunctional phenomenon that secures personal preferences of each family member.



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