Values of Russian and Brazilian teachers: comparative analysism




values, teachers, Russia, Brazil, cross-cultural analysis


Introduction. Value preferences of teachers are an important subject of research, since their transmission to students is a significant dimension of educational activity. Cross-cultural analysis creates conditions for a deeper understanding of the value aspect of teachers’ work, linking this aspect to the specifics of the organizational and socio-cultural context. The purpose of this study was to identify similarities and differences in the value preferences of Russian and Brazilian teachers. The study tested the hypothesis that the values of teachers in Russia and Brazil have no significant differences, and also correlate in a similar way with the age of teachers and number of years of teaching work experience.

Materials and Methods. The study involved 438 teachers of secondary schools in Russia and Brazil: 316 Russian teachers (average age 44.32 ± 11.11 years, work experience 16.51 ± 10.75 years, 88% women) and 122 Brazilian teachers (average age 41.84 ± 7.16, work experience 19.25 ± 10.76 years, 82% women). Value preferences were determined using a questionnaire survey in paper form. Statistical processing of the results involved descriptive statistics as well as correlation and variance analysis.

Results. The values of “health”, “family” and “children” are equally significant for Russian and Brazilian teachers. The values of “material well-being” and “position in society” were more significant in the Russian sample, while the values of “love”, “work”, “education”, “creativity”, “communication with friends” and “travel” were more significant in the Brazilian one. The values of Russian teachers are less determined by age and work experience than the values of Brazilian teachers.

Conclusions. The results are interpreted in the context of organizational and socio-cultural features of the work of Russian and Brazilian teachers. It is proposed to take into account the presented data when developing measures aimed at maintaining and strengthening the professional and personal well-being of teachers.



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