Correlation of the teacher’s locus of control and students’ direct aggression towards the teacher




locus of control, direct aggression, student aggression towards teachers, internality, externality, the level of subjective control, teachers


Introduction. Students’ aggression towards the teacher is a modern and multifaceted problem that affects all participants of educational relations. Attempts to explain the causes of this aggression reveal the contribution of various factors, but their list is far from exhaustive. The authors assume that there is a correlation between direct aggression of adolescents against the teacher and the level of his locus of control.

Materials and Methods. The study involved 5189 teachers (94% female; average age 44.5 (SD = 11.7)) from nine regions of Russia. The USK method (the level of subjective control) designed by E. F. Bazhin, E. A. Golynkina and A. M. Etkind (Bazhin et al. 1984) was used to assess the level of the locus of control. The subjective evaluations of the teachers’ encounter with direct aggression on the part of students were analyzed using a questionnaire developed by the Center for Socialization, Family and Prevention of Antisocial Behavior Research at Moscow Pedagogical State University. Spearman’s correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were used as the key methods of statistical data processing.

Results. The correlation analysis showed significant negative relationships between the level of subjective control of teachers and their encounter with direct aggression from students. The regression analysis showed that the indicator of general internality/externality is the most significant predictor for all indicators of direct aggression, with the exception of the indicator “expressing dissatisfaction with the quality of teaching”—that is, teachers with an external locus of control are more likely to encounter direct aggression from students.

Conclusions. The obtained results contribute to the study of the phenomenology of adolescent aggression towards teachers. The results can also be used by teachers as a basis for self-reflection. Further, the results can be instrumental in psychotherapeutic work and in the design of preventive behavioral and de-victimization programs, professional development programs, coping strategies and trainings for teachers.



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