Existential foundations of the semantic context of the inclusive environment of the museum
existential revolution, meaning, museum, inclusion, inclusive environment of the museum, inclusive cultureAbstract
Introduction. The article analyzes the existential origins of the semantic aspect of the museum’s inclusive environment. The authors note the role of the existential revolution in the understanding of the purpose of the museum environment. The museum is a unique form of culture which performs a number of unique functions and has a wide identification potential. The main functions of the modern museum include the collection, preservation and transmission of cultural heritage as well as the formation of the semantic sphere of the individual.
Materials and Methods. The materials and methods reveal the possibilities of construction of an inclusive museum environment in the State Hermitage during the exhibition “Invisible Art: Expanding the Boundaries of the Possible”. The exhibition aims to facilitate orientation in the language of visual arts for people with visual impairments. The exhibits were visually and tactilely accessible to visitors with and without disabilities. Tactile models of world masterpieces were created especially for the exhibition. The empirical material was obtained on the basis of content analysis of 104 voluntary free reviews of various visitors of the exhibition.
Results. A significant part of the reviews reflects the value and inclusive meanings of the exhibition. The results of the study show the content of the personal meaning of an inclusive exhibition. Axiological, inclusive, unique, sensory, emotional, cognitive and aesthetic meanings are revealed, reflecting the social and psychological essence of inclusion in the museum environment. Each meaning is illustrated by the visitors’ illustrated by the visitors’ reviews of the exhibition.
Conclusions. The material obtained fills the vacuum in the semantic analysis of social inclusion. In the discussion of the results, one of the key functions of the inclusive museum environment is determined—i. e., the formation of a semantic context of inclusion and bringing together people with different health status.
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