Psychological assessment of training programs aimed at maintaining and strengthening the professional health of managers




professional health of managers, stress management, programme, training, performance assessment, questionnaire


Introduction. When implementing various training programmes, the assessment of their effectiveness is an ever-pressing concern. This article presents a case study of the effectiveness of programmes teaching manager-level employees techniques to maintain and strengthen their health. The study is based on both objective and subjective metrics. Medical data—sickness rate, chronic disease prevalence and sick day rate—were used as objective metrics. The programmes were also assessed according to short-term training effectiveness criteria by A. K. Markov and S. I. Makshanov. Two aspects were assessed: training process and training results; assessment was done separately by training participants (employees) and organisation leadership (clients). In evaluating an educational programme’s effectiveness, I suggest using the following methodology: (1) Kirkpatrick’s Training Evaluation Model; (2) Philips ROI Methodology; and (3) other methodology (questionnaires, tests, etc.). The article also provides a description of Kirkpatrick’s four level model for a stress management training programme: assessment planning, data gathering and analysis and reporting the results.

Materials and methods. To assess the effectiveness of training, the following methods are used: a questionnaire on participants’ attitude to the training (expectations and key stress-management challenges participants face at work); tests to assess participants’ level of knowledge (before and after the training); self-assessment forms for behavioural referents; stress management and resistance assessment tool and training quality control form.

Research results. Based on the results of my own research and experience in conducting stress management programmes (2007–2020), I identify the most effective tools and techniques for stress management: breathing exercises, office yoga, physical exercise, looking on the bright side, positive thinking and reframing. A third of the participants of the programme noted the importance of understanding the psychophysiological mechanisms of stress and knowledge of the stress model.

Conclusion. The implementation of stress management programmes shows that the training and the skills acquired during the training are directly related to the professional health of managers and have an impact on the performance of their direct responsibilities.



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