The relationship between modern youths’ vision of their future and their emotional and value self-attitude


  • Elena N. Undusk Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
  • Darya V. Chekhova Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
  • Julia N. Stepanov Department of Social Guardianship, City Administration of the Haabersti District of Tallinn



time perspective, correction program, self-attitude, self-acceptance, self-interest, self-understanding, youth


The study focuses on the relationship between high school and university students’ vision of their future, on the one hand, and their emotional and value self-attitude, on the other. The study takes into account the modality of self-attitude and the degree of expression of its various structural components. Notable connections between the level of young people’s vision of their future and the components of their emotional and value self-attitude were revealed. Young people’s vision of their future was found to differ when accompanied by different modalities of the components of their self-attitude.

The general hypothesis of this study is that the structural components of the emotional-value self-attitude in its two modalities form significant connections with the characteristics of the young people’s ideas about their future. The general hypothesis was split into two more specific ones:

1) young people whose self-attitude is characterised by a positive modality expressed through its structural components have clear and specific ideas about their future;

2) young people whose self-attitude is characterised by a negative modality have blurred ideas about their future.

The sample included 85 respondents: 43 high school students of Secondary School No. 347 of Nevsky District of Saint Petersburg (16–18 years old) and 42 second-year undergraduate students of the Philological Faculty of Herzen State Pedagogical University (19–21 years old).

The study revealed that the respondents with a positive modality of the components of the emotional-value self-attitude (such as high self-acceptance, self-interest, self-understanding, etc.) are more focused on their future, and their ideas about their future are characterised by greater clarity and specificity. In contrast, the respondents with a negative modality of self-attitude (expressed through low values of self-acceptance, self-confidence, self-interest and self-understanding and high values of self-blame) have blurred and fuzzy ideas about their future. The latter respondents are also less focused on their future.



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