Interpersonal exclusion as a psychological phenomenon: A review of research methods




social exclusion, rejection, alienation, ostracism, ignorance, interpersonal relations, interpersonal exclusion, experience


Modern society is witnessing a transformation of interpersonal relations system. This makes our study relevant. Negative consequences of exclusion are on the rise. Among them are a feeling of loneliness, increased aggressiveness, deviant and addictive behavior as well as diminished psychological well-being and physical health.

The article describes modern approaches to the definition and study of social exclusion. It explores how social sciences revise the ideas of social exclusion. The article also provides the rationale for the necessity and possibility of considering exclusion as part of interpersonal relations.

The article discusses the ambiguity of the criteria that are used to identify social exclusion. It also explores how exclusion manifests itself in interpersonal relations and outlines methodological challenges facing research in exclusion.

Theoretical analysis allowed to define the concept of “interpersonal exclusion” and identify its major criteria. Among them are an awareness of losing connection or the quality of relations; the manifestation of negative emotional experiences; a feeling of loss of one’s self.

The research included a review of diagnostic tools used to study exclusion at an interpersonal level. The article also describes research methods developed by the authors. They focus on the interpersonal dimension of social inclusion. The set of methods includes an experimental procedure based on the game Cyberball. It allows to study the experience of social exclusion in practice. The method “Autobiography of the experience of social exclusion” allows to conduct a phenomenological analysis of interpersonal exclusion. The tools were tested on Russian-speaking students (N = 116) and may be applied in further studies of exclusion with a special focus on particular areas of interpersonal interaction. They may also find application in individual psychological counselling.



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