Forms of transfer in pedagogical communication
pedagogical communication, teacher, method of colour semantics, transfer, forms of transferAbstract
The subject of the study is the phenomenon of pedagogical communication and interpersonal relations projected onto the teacher by students. The theoretical foundation for the study was formed by the ideas of psychoanalytic pedagogy, presented in the works of the modern Austrian psychoanalyst Helmuth Figdor. The main phenomenon investigated in the empirical part of this work is the phenomenon of transfer and its forms. Pedagogical transfer brings its negative contribution to the process of professional burnout, complicating the process of reflection on professional activity and provoking defensive counter-transference reactions aimed at students.
The authors hypothesise that the transfer phenomenon is an element of pedagogical interaction and its existence may be empirically confirmed; based on prior experiences of communication, students associate a teacher with important figures from their past and project their qualities upon the teacher.
In order to verify the hypothesis we used a colour-associative test developed by I. L. Solomin on the basis of the A. M. Etkind’s colour position test. The method of colour semantics is used to minimize distortions of social desirability typical to the tasks which require respondents to evaluate individuals involved in social roles tabooed for negative assessment. The sample consisted of 38 bachelor program graduates (correspondence and full-time) of the Institute of Psychology of the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg. The respondents were asked to associate each of the 48 concepts of the test with one of the 8 colours provided. The researchers than undertook an analysis of the colour-associative responses’ cluster structures.
The preliminary results of the study suggest the presence of the transfer phenomenon in pedagogical communication in the forms of objective (fatherly), negative transfer, positively idealized, and supporting or analytical forms of transfer. Most often (in 57.9 % of cases) the teacher is endowed with the qualities of a controlling, evaluating and “punishing” figure, and at the same time the teacher is perceived to be indifferent and detached like a passer-by. That is, in the eyes of students, the teacher is primarily an influential figure, endowed with power and authority.
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