Students’ psychological readiness for research or what the Belgorod SAU students are like




psychological readiness, students’ research activities, creativity, achievement of success, identification of essential signs, psychogeometric personality analysis, correlation analysis


Research activity is an integral part of anyone’s life, as everyone studies at school, and later at vocational school, college, institute, academy, or university. Our paper discusses students’ psychological readiness for research activities. While striving to obtain a higher education, a student may demonstrate various abilities, and, specifically, their capacity to conduct research activities, which are a significant part of independent work and a means to develop competences promoted by the academic subjects. Involvement in research projects in the early years of instruction contributes positively to the development of psychological readiness for research at further stages of education and career. A number of researchers note that a university student’s level of readiness for research can be viewed as an objective indicator of his or her professional competitiveness. Research activity at university is an integral part of students’ academic activity, and it is also a useful component for their professional training for the future. While studying the market requirements for university graduates, it transpires that employers give preference to the candidates who have a high level of motivation and creativity, which form the potential for success. It is suggested that individuals with a high level of readiness for scientific research activities retain such potential in the future, which makes it possible for them to be self-reinforcing and self-sufficient in any sphere of professional activity. The authors conclude that it is natural that the professional activities of a teacher and a research advisor, who contribute to the successful development of the students’ research skills and psychological readiness for research both in the educational process and in professional activities, play a special role in the development of such readiness.



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