Human connectome research and speech disorders




human connectome, speech disorders, cognitive functions, effective communication, rehabilitation, healthy functioning


In this article we discuss the potential of human connectome research, particularly in connection with its applications in rehabilitation of speech disorders.

The relevance of studying human connectome as a model reflecting all the connections in human brain stems from its potential for treating patients with various types of brain damage. The understanding of the hierarchical organization of human connectome can provide a new perspective on how various diseases affect brain topology and functioning. Social relevance of this study is defined by high demand for effective post-stroke rehabilitation techniques. Annually, there are 6 million stroke cases worldwide and 450,000 cases in Russia. Stroke is a major cause not only of deterioration of quality of life but also of partial or total loss of one’s ability to work. Thus, cognitive rehabilitation is the primary aim of psychological rehabilitation.

Currently scientists employ a range of methods to investigate structural and functional organization of the brain on macro-, meso- and microlevels. It has been demonstrated that several areas with richer connections play the central role in network organization and participate in multiple communications, therefore being nodes of communication. Such multi-level connectome structure allows researchers to investigate how brain damage affects its morphology and functioning.

Among the cognitive impairments prevalent in stroke survivors, aphasia is one of the gravest. Rehabilitation of speech is one of the main factors defining patients’ future quality of life. Research has shown that connectome analysis is effective in assessing auditory perception as well as its nominative function and repetition.


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