Value orientations in the context of satisfaction in sibling relationships




siblings, satisfaction with relationships, value orientations


In a family with several children, in addition to the traditional matrimonial and child-parent subsystems, the sibling relationship subsystem is distinguished.

The unique nature of this subsystem lies in the fact that throughout their lives siblings are able to influence each other’s worldview and attitude, and their relationships contribute to the development of sibling personalities. The uniqueness of such relationships lies in the fact that they begin in a system where the child does not have the opportunity to choose the gender his sibling or to determine the amount of attention he or she will receive from his parents.

This article presents the results of a pilot study on the correlation between satisfaction with sibling relationships and personal value orientations. The study involved 63 respondents: 10 male participants who have a brother, 14 male participants who have a sister, 23 female participants who have a brother, and 16 female participants who have a sister. We used the adapted method “Understanding, emotional attraction, authority” by A. N. Volkova, and “Value Orientations — 36 (VO-36)” by V. N. Kunitsyna as data collection tools. Data analysis was performed by means of correlation analysis using the Pearson correlation coefficient (r). The results of the study suggest that the level of satisfaction with various aspects of an individual’s relationship with their sibling is linked with a variety of value orientations, both his/her own and expected on the part of the sibling. In addition, specific features of these relationships differ between the subsamples of respondents who have same-sex and different-sex siblings. Regardless of the sibling’s gender, the values of the self (one’s needs, interests, and goals) and the value of family relationships are at the centre of the siblings’ relationship. In order to increase the level of satisfaction in a sibling relationship, different values may need to be promoted. In pairs of brothers, responsibility may help to increase satisfaction; in pairs of sisters it is the value of true friendship and equal partnership; and in pairs of different-sex siblings, orientation towards patience and acceptance of differences is of greater importance.



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