Special features of identity in adolescents whose parents are divorced





identity, teenagers from incomplete families, family after divorce, divorce as a difficult life situation


The article presents the results of a study on identity features in adolescents whose parents were divorced in correlation with the time and duration of the parents’ divorce. According to psychological investigations, in adolescence the formative influence of the family significantly affects the adolescent’s self-consciousness. Positive intra-family relationships, moral values and family norms lay the foundation for the adolescent’s attitude to one’s self as a social subject; they have a direct impact on the adolescent’s awareness of identity, self-confidence and self-esteem. Divorce is a difficult life situation for a teenager that alters the inner picture of one’s self-consciousness. The authors hypothesise that there are differences in the personality characteristics of adolescents from complete families and from the homes where the parents are divorced. The study was conducted at the Petrozavodsk Lyceum. We used the Kuhn McPartland Test as the method of identifying an individual’s characteristics. The study involved 111 adolescents aged 14 to 16 years (85 from complete families and 26 with divorced parents; among them 15 from families where 1 year had not yet passed after the divorce (“acute period”) and 11 from families where 2 years had passed after the divorce (“not acute period”). The results showed that adolescents from complete families when describing their self-image made the most prominent emphasis on their position in society and in adolescent communities indicating the normal course of personality development. Adolescents from incomplete families in the “acute period” were prone to reflexive analysis of themselves and their behaviour, and those in the “not acute period” placed greater emphasis on the active aspect of self, which may be interpreted as a coping strategy in a difficult life situation.



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