Social psychology of the phenomenon of personal authority


  • Yuri P. Stepkin Independent researcher



authority, personality, attitude of authority, suggestion, imitation, persuasion, psychological contagion, value, causative effect, psychoregulation, social and psychological research


The article is devoted to the study of person authority as one of the main socio-psychological phenomena which perform important regulatory functions in society along with the phenomena of power, leadership, prestige, reputation, reference, and others. Authority is regarded as a special integrative socio-psychological property that produces a stimulating effect by means of such phenomena as suggestion, imitation, and psychological contagion. The author presents the concepts of value and the essence of authority, confirmed by the results of specific socio-psychological research he has conducted in various social groups. The research outcomes prove the main hypothesis that value systems and self-assessment structures determine the formation of person authority. Our values and self-assessment translate into the “selection” of personal qualities as the basis of authority and form special “evaluation standards” that provide for the distinction between authoritative and non-authoritative individuals. These standards are “clusters” of well-correlated psychological properties, and the actual foundation for personal authority in a particular social group. Being superimposed on our perceptual image of an individual, they determine the individual’s status as a subject of authority for us. Factor analysis revealed a number of “evaluation standards” of authoritative and non-authoritative individuals in each of the examined groups. The author identifies four forms of personal authority: moral, functional, formal, and integrative, which unites the three afore-mentioned ones within specific social roles, for example, a leader. One particularly notable aspect developed by the author based on Vladimir Bekhterev’s research, is the concept of the incentive effect of the authority phenomenon, which is translated via involuntary forms of suggestion, imitation, and psychological contagion. These socio-psychological phenomena are initially, immanently inherent, and constitute the phenomenological essence of personal authority. The results of the research described above enabled the author to regard the phenomenon of personal authority systemically and to formulate the foundations of a psychological theory, as well as extend its applications to the areas of politics, management, and psycho-regulatory practice.



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