The integrative approach and the principles of human development psychology


  • Vyacheslav A. Averin Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University



developmental psychology, the principle of sustainable dynamic disequilibrium, the principle of interaction between the tendencies towards preservation and change, the principle of differentiation — integration, the principle of wholeness


The traditions of the Leningrad — Saint Petersburg psychological school, based on the principles of the integrative approach to the study of human psychology, formulated by Boris Ananiev, are currently being further developed by Vladimir N. Panferov, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Full Professor, and Professor Emeritus of Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia. Vladimir Panferov formulated the main provisions of the integrative approach to human psychology and social interaction and developed the methodological principles of integral synthesis, allowing researchers to approach the holistic representation of human psychology. At the same time, it seems that an equally important task is the development of methodological principles that will explain the patterns of an individual’s mental potential development in its integrity. This is particularly in demand due to the existing “polyparadigmism” of the methodological principles in modern psychology, the openness of the methodological principles system to further development and improvement. On the basis of previously conducted theoretical and empirical studies, we formulated a number of system-wide explanatory principles of human mental development (the principle of stable dynamic imbalance, the principle of interaction between the tendencies towards preservation and change, the principle of differentiation — integration, the principle of wholeness), which allow us to characterise the sources and conditions of human development, as well as its structural and functional criteria. The principle of sustainable dynamic disequilibrium reveals the reasons for the development of the system. The principle of the interaction between the tendencies towards preservation and change (heredity — variability) is defined as a prerequisite for the analysis of the conditions necessary for the system’s development. The principle of differentiation — integration is a criterion for the development of a structure. The principle of integrity serves as a criterion for the development of system functions. On the basis of these principles, we described the phenomenon of interaction between the orientation of the individual, and the individual style of activity in the structure of individuality, considered as the central, system-forming factor of the development of an individual. We suggest that the principles described above can be employed to explain a wide range of manifestations of intellectual potential, the effects of its development and manifestation in social interaction. In their integrity, the proposed principles can be considered as a further development of Boris Ananyev’s ideas and their consistent application to the problems of developmental psychology.



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