The cultural-dialogic interdeterminist perspective of integral synthesis in the “humanisation” of psychological knowledge: Dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Vladimir Panferov




culture, cultural-dialogic interdeterminism, dialogism, heterogeneity, integral synthesis, psychological phenomenology, psychology of human, a nonlinear dynamic system


Based on the analysis of Vladimir Panferov’s heritage the author suggests a cultural-dialogical perspective for the development of ideas for integral synthesis of human psychology. Attention is focused on the current uncertainty in the development of psychological knowledge, which is determined by the need to re-evaluate traditional ideas induced by scientific, technological and social progress. Today, an individual faces an increasing complexity of surrounding reality represented not only by the natural and social environment, but also by the increasing influence of technogenic and cyber reality. The paper articulates the impasse of deterministic and indeterministic trends in the development of psychological knowledge and proposes a movement towards cultural-dialogical interdeterminism as an alternative. The heterogeneous nature of psychological phenomenology is presented in the form of three four-dimensional continua of heteroqualitative nature. The perspective of its consideration is substantiated from the standpoint of nonlinear dynamic system approach, which allows us to consider the specificity of heterogeneity and the dynamic nature of psychological phenomenology with allocation of bifurcation points characterising the transition from one qualitative state to another. A general description of cultural-dialogical interdeterminist metatheory of psychological knowledge integration is provided, and its heuristic potential is demonstrated. The author defines the reciprocal and changing nature of human interaction with the internal and external environment, which leads to establishing a qualitative state of balance that ensures optimal interaction in a particular space-time location. The specificity of interdetermination manifests itself in the acquisition of a new quality that cannot be reduced to a simple sum of its parts. The aspect of mutual adaptation between an individual and the environment is emphasized. Mankind not only adapts to external changes, but also adapts the external environment for themselves. Attention is drawn to the fact that an ill-considered adaptation of this kind can lead to destructive consequences for one’s mental activity and for their life as a whole. In the presented context, the author substantiates that psychological phenomenology should be analyzed in the context of qualitative states of balance (imbalance) of bio-psycho-socio-consciously-unconsciouslyexistential interdeterminants interacting in specific environmental settings, taking into account individual psychological characteristics of an individual performing certain activities, a combination of which provides an actual quality condition. Dialogue is defined as a mechanism for achieving balance, and conditions for its effectiveness are also determined. The paper offers examples of practical application of cultural dialogic interdeterminism.



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