The role of family in the development of migration attitudes in Omsk youth




migration, migration attitudes, family, schoolchildren, college students


Introduction. For over ten years, the Omsk Region has been experiencing high out-migration. Young educated people are especially active in leaving the region, looking for more favorable living conditions and opportunities to fulfil their career potential. Purely economic measures are insufficient in terms of reducing the out-migration. That is why our study focuses on socio-psychological factors in the development of migration attitudes in youth — more specifically, on family and environmental factors, which are poorly studied. At school age, such factors include family composition (completeness, nuclearity, number of children), and at college age, the fact of living together with or separately from parents, marital status and parenthood status.

Materials and Methods. The sample included 851 people: 461 schoolchildren from 20 schools in Omsk and Omsk Region, and 390 college students from eight universities in Omsk. We used The Scale of Personality Migration Attitudes (S. A. Kuznetsova, I.Yu. Kuznetsova, A. V. Feshchenko) and statistical methods: primary descriptive statistics, Student’s t-test and one-way ANOVA.

Results. It was found that schoolchildren, on average, have more pronounced and less coordinated migration attitudes than college students. The increase in migration intentions at school age is influenced by belonging to a family of the ‘mother–stepfather–children’ type or an incomplete family (‘mother–children’). In college students, the increase in migration intentions is influenced by the absence of an officially registered marriage and children (the latter was found exclusively in females).

Conclusions. The obtained results make it possible to identify risk groups. They also provide an idea of the vectors of socio-psychological work with young people of different status and age, and with their parents, who directly and indirectly transmit migration attitudes to their children. The prospects for the study include expanding the student sample to include young people in registered marriages and having children, and introducing the gender criterion.



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How to Cite

Malenova, A. Y., Potapova, Y. V., & Malenov, A. A. (2024). The role of family in the development of migration attitudes in Omsk youth. Psychology in Education, 6(4), 472–483.


