Modern research on the psychological well-being of the participants of the education process
psychological well-being, participants of education process, students, teachers, general education schoolsAbstract
Introduction. The issue of psychological well-being of an individual has drawn increasing attention in recent years. This is explained by the fact that well-being has become a significant social and personal value in modern society. Unlike other types of well-being, psychological well-being is both a goal in itself and a means to achieve other goals (these can be broadly described as improved performance in virtually any activity). Education is one of the many spheres which could not be ignored by psychological well-being studies: there is a growing number of such studies, with most of them focusing on the psychological well-being of students. However, the results of such studies have not become subject of sufficient generalization, which makes it difficult to objectively assess the state of the problem. This, in turn, significantly complicates the development of psychological tools aimed at building and maintaining the psychological well-being of the participants of the education process. Further, the results of psychological well-being studies quickly become outdated, which makes it necessary to carry out their periodic systematization.
Materials and Methods. The article provides an overview of publications devoted to the psychological well-being of students and teachers of general education schools.
Results. The article analyses the results of empirical research on the psychological well-being of students and teachers as the main participants of the education process. The analysis allows a conclusion that the situation with the psychological well-being of students and teachers is not optimal: many of them are balancing between psychological well-being and ill-being. The article also provides a list of methods to measure psychological well-being that were specifically developed for the education system and can be used for practical and research purposes.
Conclusions. Our analysis clearly shows that the psychological well-being of students and teachers is insufficiently studied. There are no studies that focus on some of the most important problems: the structure of the psychological well-being of students and teachers, the role of psychological well-being in teachers’ work, the most important factors of psychological well-being, etc. The lack of research on such problems significantly complicates the development of practical tools and a system of psychological support for teachers and students, while developing such tools and system could significantly improve the quality of teachers’ and students’ activities and life in general.
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