Criticism of cognitive theories of the origin of emotions


  • Evgeny A. Pyrev Center for Psychological, Pedagogical, Medical and Social Assistance of Vyborgsky District of Saint Petersburg



emotions, nature of emotions, cognitive theory of emotions, innate nature of emotions, neural mechanism of the origin of emotions


This paper presents a critique of cognitive theories applied to explain the nature of emotions. The author analyses the informational, need, meaningmaking and other theories of the origin of emotions, and questions the common conclusion that emotions appear only after the satisfaction of needs, and that abundant information about an object determines positive emotions, while limited information promotes negative ones. It is also doubtful that emotions are the result of incongruity between human needs and abilities. The author substantiates the idea that along with cognitive theories of the origin of emotions, a biological approach considering the innate, possibly genetic mechanisms of their origin is applicable. According to this approach, emotions may have neurophysiological foundations and emerge from the neural processes in the reticular formation of the medulla oblongata. In this case, cognitive structures do not directly invoke emotions. On the contrary, emotion itself has an involuntary effect on the cognitive apparatus of the human psyche and its motor skills. In the aspect of cognitive evaluation, the research distinguishes basic and suprabasic emotions. While basic emotions are invoked by innate triggers, suprabasic ones are acquired in the process of a specific individual’s life activity. Suprabasic or socialized emotions mostly demonstrate a cognitive nature of their origin and manifestation in the psyche; such emotions are conscious in nature, as they appear after the cognitive assessment of the stimulus. In turn, the emergence of basic emotions triggered by innate stimuli is generally not consciously recognised by an individual. The aim of the study was to overcome the constructs created in scientific sources suggesting the dominance of cognitive mechanisms in the origin of emotions. The object of the study was emotions and the nature of their origin. The subject of the study was to critique the cognitive approach of the origin of emotions and to justify the importance of the biological approach, where the innate and genetic mechanisms that trigger emotions play an important role. An analysis of scientific research on the nature and emergence of basic emotions in the psyche served as the methodological foundation of the study.



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