The experience of international cooperation in inclusive education and the prospects of inclusive education in Uzbekistan
inclusive education, international cooperation, Uzbekistan, KIX project, educational cultureAbstract
Introduction. The article is the key report made by the author at the breakout session Psychology of Inclusive Education of the 6th Herzen University Conference on Psychology in Education (25–26 October 2023) dedicated to the Year of Teacher and Mentor. The report describes the experience of Uzbekistan’s international cooperation in inclusive educational policy development under the project of the Center for Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX).
Materials and Methods. The author analyzed successful practices of inclusive education in five countries participating in the project (Uzbekistan, Georgia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova). The methods included a regional survey, semi-structured interviews, and a cross-sectional survey of education actors.
Results. A consortium of five countries — Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Moldova and Georgia — was formed to address the issues of accessibility of primary school education to children with disabilities. Each country participating in the project has a national policy on inclusive education and is developing and promoting effective solutions. Uzbekistan is currently taking measures to reform its inclusive education system with the support of international organizations, and is working to introduce services that ensure inclusivity and equality for children with disabilities.
Conclusions. There is a combination of activities that are required for solving the problems associated with inclusive education in Uzbekistan. First, it is necessary to rely on the research that takes into account the diversity of factors and the cultural specificity of the context in understanding the current values and dynamics of educational culture. Second, one should increase the transparency of the current inclusive education system and involve NGOs and parents of children with disabilities to the development, implementation and monitoring of the subsequent steps of the reform. And third, it is of major importance to invest in the system of training for support specialists in inclusive education, such as tutors, speech therapists, occupational therapists, etc.
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