The relationship between affiliation motives and socio-psychological attitudes in psychology students with different learning styles
affiliation, style parameters of learning, social attitude, psychology students, professionally important qualitiesAbstract
Introduction. There is a shortage of research devoted to affiliation motives and socio-psychological attitudes among students with different learning styles. The article studies the relationship between affiliation behavior, learning style parameters and social attitudes of psychology students. The hypothesis is that socio-psychological attitudes and affiliation are connected with learning style parameters in psychology students. The study is based on the theory of generations.
Materials and Methods. We used the following methods: The Method of Diagnosing Socio-Psychological Attitudes of an Individual in the Motivational-Need Sphere (O. F. Potemkina), Mehrabian Affiliation Tendency Questionnaire (A. Mehrabian), and Diagnosing Style Parameters of Learning (B. Soloman, R. Felder). The sample included 16 1st-year full-time psychology students of the Institute of Psychology of the BSPU named after M. Tank (average age 18.5) and 17 3rd-year part-time psychology students (average age 30). Spearman’s coefficient was used to determine correlation.
Results. Those full-time students who prefer results over process show less pronounced fear of rejection than those who prefer process over results (r = –0.7 at p ≤ 0.05). Full-time students also show an inverse correlation between the indicators ‘egoism’ and ‘fear of rejection’ (r = –0.5 at p ≤ 0.05). For part-time students, we found an inverse correlation between indicators ‘egoism’ and ‘desire for acceptance’ (r = –0.56 at p ≤ 0.05). For the entire sample, inverse correlations were revealed between the visual/verbal learning style and egoism (r = –0.4 at p ≤ 0.05). The difference can be explained by the students’ age: full-time students strive to gain recognition and take their place in society, while part-time students view themselves as mature individuals and do not strive to prove their worth.
Conclusions. The findings determine the vectors for further study of affiliation motives and for the development of professionally important qualities in psychology students. Considering the theory of generations, it is important to note that no pronounced egoism attitude or lack of affiliative behavior was found among Generation Z students.
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