Perfectionism and neurotic conditions in psychiatry and neurology residents
perfectionism, neurotic conditions, anxiety, depression, medical residentsAbstract
Introduction. Perfectionism is associated with psychological distress and its prevalence and levels are shown to be increasing among young population. Psychiatry and neurology residents are exposed to student-specific challenges, general occupational distress and risks, and specialty-specific challenges. This may make them susceptible to negative psycho-emotional states. The article studies perfectionism and neurotic conditions in psychiatry and neurology residents.
Materials and Methods. The sample included 100 psychiatry and neurology residents aged 22–29 (М = 25; SD = 1.3). The respondents were divided into three groups with high (n = 37), medium (n = 33) and low (n = 30) levels of perfectionism. Perfectionism and neurotic conditions were measured using Three-Factor Perfectionism Inventory (N. G. Garanian, А. B. Kholmogorova) and Clinical Questionnaire for Detection and Evaluation of Neurotic Conditions (K. K. Yakhin, D. M. Mendelevich). Mann–Whitney U test and Spearman’s correlation analysis were used for mathematical and statistical data processing.
Results. Residents with high level of perfectionism have significantly higher levels of neurotic conditions than residents with medium (p≤0.001) and low (p<0.001) levels of perfectionism. In residents with low level of perfectionism, socially prescribed perfectionism is associated with anxiety, asthenia and the hysterical reaction type, while self-oriented perfectionism is associated with lower levels of anxiety and the hysterical reaction type. In residents with medium level of perfectionism, perfectionistic cognitive style is associated with higher level of neurotic depression, while self-oriented perfectionism is associated with lower level of neurotic depression. In residents with high level of perfectionism, the following significant associations were observed: of general level of perfectionism, with anxiety and obsessive-phobic disorders; of perfectionistic cognitive style and self-oriented perfectionism, with anxiety; of self-oriented perfectionism with the hysterical reaction type and obsessive-phobic disorders.
Conclusions. The research results can be used in developing psychological intervention and prevention programs for psychiatry and neurology residents.
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