Dynamics of anxiety of combatants during the course of hypobaric hypoxic training





combatants, trait anxiety, situational anxiety, hypobaric hypoxic training, medical and psychological rehabilitation, post-traumatic stress disorder


Introduction. Combatants are most susceptible to neuropsychiatric disorders, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Anxiety is one of the components of PTSD. Preserving the mental health of combatants and maintaining their professional and combat readiness is an important medical and social task which is now fulfilled through medical and psychological rehabilitation. Hypobaric hypoxic training (HHT) is one of the most effective non-drug methods of maintaining performance capability. The present article focuses on the dynamics of situational and personal anxiety of combatants in the process of medical and psychological rehabilitation using the HHT method.

Materials and Methods. The respondents included 17 combatants. The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (Ch. D. Spielberger) was used. The course of HHT was conducted for ten consecutive days and included stepwise ‘ascents’ in a pressure chamber of reduced pressure from a height of 1500 to 3500 m. The level of situational anxiety was assessed before, during and after HHT and ten days after the completion of the course.

Results. The average level of situational (47 %) and trait anxiety (53 %) prevailed in the respondents. The high level of anxiety was also quite pronounced: 35 % for situational anxiety and 41 % for trait anxiety. During the course of HHT, a positive dynamics was observed — i. e., the levels of both situational and trait anxiety were reducing. This trend also continued ten days after the completion of the ten-day course of HHT.

Conclusions. The HHT training resulted in a statistically significant reduction of situational anxiety starting from the 5th session of HHT by 15 %, and after the 10th session, by 30 %. Situational anxiety decreased by 35 % by the tenth day after the completion of the course. Background indicators of trait anxiety upon completion of the ten-day course of HHT statistically significantly decreased by 6 %, and by the tenth day after completing the course, by 11 %.



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Dudina, E. A., & Blaginin, A. A. (2024). Dynamics of anxiety of combatants during the course of hypobaric hypoxic training. Psychology in Education, 6(2), 210–222. https://doi.org/10.33910/2686-9527-2024-6-2-210-222


