Determinants of subjective well-being of the youth in conditions of social instability




subjective well-being, adolescence, early adulthood, youth, cognitive regulation of emotions, psychological defenses, new territories of Russia


Introduction. The article focuses on the subjective well-being of an individual which is viewed as the individual’s assessment of his or her own state both in the immediate situation and in life in general. The new territories of Russia are characterized by social instability, which requires significant resources from the youth in order to cope with it. However, a sufficient part of such resources may be inaccessible or limited. The article studies the level of subjective well-being of the youth in conditions of social instability and identifies the role of cognitive regulation of emotions and psychological defenses in maintaining subjective well-being.

Materials and Methods. The sample included 1034 people permanently residing in Melitopol city, Zaporozhskaya Region (692 adolescents, 342 young adults). The respondents were divided into four groups based on gender and age. The methods were the Subjective Well-Being Scale, the Cognitive Regulation of Emotions Method, and the Life Style Index.

Results. All the respondents report an average level of subjective well-being. The level of females’ subjective well-being is significantly lower than that of males; adolescents also show significantly lower level of subject well-being than young adults. Most often, young people use constructive ways of cognitive regulation of emotions. The respondents have an increased level of tension of psychological defenses: it indicates a pronounced conflict state, with which they cope. Psychological defenses are most often used by female adolescents, and least often, by male young adults. Female and male adolescents as well as female young adults maintain the average level of subjective well-being through cognitive regulation of emotions, and male young adults, through the psychological defense of denial. In adolescence, the respondents of both genders use more ways of maintaining their subjective well-being than in early adulthood.

Conclusions. Psychological defenses and cognitive regulation of emotions are determinants of the subjective well-being of the youth living in unstable social conditions and can be used as targets for psychological and pedagogical support.



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