Using proverbs to study the attitudes to values in schoolchildren


  • Svetlana M. Petrova Pskov State University



folk wisdom and scientific psychology, principle of figurative integrity, proverbs, stimulus material, methods, personal result, attitude to values


The principle of figurative integrity forces us to turn to various sources of knowledge, including the folklore experience of psychological knowledge, or folk wisdom. Among such sources are proverbs, which describe individual images and reflect everyday forms of consciousness. A volume of psychological research has focused to the diagnostic value of proverbs, pointing out that they correspond to the sense structures of everyday consciousness. The authors used proverbs as a stimulus material in a technique developed to diagnose schoolchildren’s attitudes to values. Priority attitudes for our study, selected in correlation with the Federal educational standard requirements, included the attitude to cognitive activity; the attitude to transformative activity and the manifestation of creativity in it; the attitude to the social and natural environment; the attitude to one’s homeland; attitude to beauty; attitude towards life and self. The proposed method for diagnosing children’s attitudes to values was developed in cooperation with the staff of the Department of Theory and Methods of Education at Pskov Regional Institute for the Advanced Training of Educators, and also with the teachers who work in various educational institutions of Pskov Region. Teachers of the Russian language and literature and school psychologists provided their expert opinion and support during the development of the method. The authors conclude that this approach to studying personal attitudes to values and scientific psychological analysis will enable researchers to find correlations between folk wisdom and scientific psychology, and that it may enrich psychological theory.



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