Actualizing the potential state of agency development stages through the training of professional self-determination
professional self-determination training, agency, stages of agency development, modalities (states) of the stages of agency, actualization of a potential state, adolescents aged 13–14 yearsAbstract
Introduction. The economic and social features of the development of Russian society make career guidance activities an important part of the educational process. Such activities enhance the effectiveness of professional self-determination of students, as well as other psychological phenomena. Development of the stages of agency is another important part of the educational process that helps students become professionals (according to the ecopsychological (ontological) model of V. I. Panov), associated with the development of flexible competence ‘the ability to learn’. We put forward a hypothesis that training of professional self-determination impacts the actualization of the potential state of agency development stages, that is, the transition from potential abilities to actual skills and abilities.
Materials and Methods. We created a training aimed at helping students with professional self-determination (author E. S. Volkova). The training consists of 15 group lessons taking place once a week. The purpose of the training was to support students in choosing a profession and to help them determine the educational route after the 9th grade. We used a projective method of assessing the states of the stages of students’ agency development to measure the actual, potential and ideal states of the stages. The sample included middle school students, the 9th grade (n = 54, 56 % of them are boys) and was divided into the experimental group, which participated in the training, and the control group, which did not. The measurements were carried out before and after the training, the time difference between the measurements was 19 weeks.
Results. The training of professional self-determination increased the level of the actual state of the stages of agency development. The measurements carried out after the training revealed statistically significant differences in the level of the actual state of the ‘subject of motivation’ and ‘student’ stages, which indicates a significant influence of the training on the students’ motivation and independence in educational activities.
Conclusions. The study not only highlights the importance of using career guidance trainings to help students in professional self-determination, but also establishes the impact of such trainings on other psychological phenomena such as the development of agency.
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