What do parents think about the implication of mobile devices in the learning agency of their children: The role of attitudes and parental mediation





mobile devices, schoolchildren, parents, ideas, attitudes, parental mediation


Introduction. Studies of the effects of using mobile devices (MDs) by children in the learning process have contradictory results. Attitudes and personal positions of adults play an essential role in the formation of constructive strategies of children’s use of MDs in education. This study aims to identify the ideas that schoolchildren’s parents have about the forms of MD use by their children in connection with parental attitudes towards mobile technologies and patterns of parental mediation of MD use by children.

Materials and Methods. The study involved 538 parents of schoolchildren. The age range of the participants was 25–69 years (mean age — 40.72 years; 92.38% women). The participants assessed the frequency of various forms of MD use by their children. They also filled out questionnaires aimed at identifying attitudes towards mobile technologies and strategies for parental mediation of their children’s digital practices.

Results. The results showed that parents have rather ambivalent ideas about the role of MDs in the learning activities of schoolchildren. There is a pronounced differentiation of parental views depending on the sex and age of the child. The structure of parents’ ideas about the forms of MD use by schoolchildren is determined by the dimensions of augmenting the child’s learning, distracting the child from learning, and substiting the child’s learning. Parents who consider MDs to play a destructive role in the child’s learning also show contradictory strategies of parental mediation and negative attitudes towards mobile technologies. In contrast, parents who have positive attitudes towards mobile technologies tend to perceive MDs as strengthening the child’s educational opportunities and show more comfortable parental mediation.

Conclusions. The results make it possible to identify possible vectors of psychological and educational work with parents to enhance their competence in the field of digital socialization of children and harmonize child-parent relations in the context of digital consumption practices.



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