Everyday stress and psychological well-being of male and female adolescents
adolescents, everyday stress, stress resistance, psychological well-being, sex differencesAbstract
Introduction. Stress has a negative impact on physical and psychological health. A study of stressors provides insights into the assessment of stressfulness of the environment, the choice of assistance and resources to overcome stress. The article presents the results of a study of everyday stress in connection with well-being of male and female adolescents. The hypothesis was based on the assumptions about gender-related perception of stress, gender-related indicators of psychological well-being and a relationship between them.
Materials and Methods. A self-designed questionnaire of everyday stressors in adolescents, the scale of perceived stress (V. A. Ababkov), the method of studying personal stress resistance (Y. V. Shcherbatykh), the Ryff Scale. The study involved 299 adolescents aged 13–17 (155 girls and 144 boys).
Research Results. The results showed the greatest severity of stress in the following spheres: ‘School, studies’, ‘Communication with adults’, ‘Rejection’, and ‘Fears’. Girls are more subject to stress in the spheres of ‘Loneliness’ and ‘Self-attitude’. Boys, having a higher overall level of stress resistance, tend to have more stress in such spheres as ‘Fears’ and ‘Mystical fears’. The study found certain gender-related differences: girls have a higher level of competence and personal development, while boys show more autonomy, positive relationships, self-acceptance and psychological well-being. The identified correlations indicate that a decrease in the level of psychological well-being is accompanied by an increase in the number of perceived stressors and the strength of experience.
Conclusion. The study tested a questionnaire on the perception of everyday stressors by adolescents. It identified the spheres of everyday stress and gender-related differences in the level and structure of psychological well-being. It also analyzed the relationship between the indicators of everyday stress and stress tolerance with psychological well-being and its individual characteristics, indicating a negative impact of everyday stress on psychological well-being.
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