Measurement оf family parenting styles аnd social learning mechanisms




family parenting style, learning, imitation, identification, parent-child relationship, democratic style of parenting, authoritarian style of parenting, liberal style of parenting, indifferent style of parenting


Introduction. The article presents a theoretical analysis of Belorussian, Russian and foreign studies focusing on family parenting. The analysis revealed that psychological assessment methods for family parenting styles are in short supply. In addition, we revealed a complete lack of psychometric instruments aimed at studying the mechanisms of social learning.

Materials and Methods. We adapted and modified the Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire (Robinson et al. 2001) in order to expand the scope of psychometric instruments available to researchers. The questionnaire is aimed at identifying the styles of family parenting and the mechanisms of social learning. The original methodology has limitations associated with the fact that it only distinguishes between three styles of family parenting: democratic, authoritarian and liberal. For a detailed study of parent-child relationships, we supplemented the questionnaire with the indifferent style of family parenting and questions aimed at identifying social learning mechanisms. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, correlation analysis and Student’s t-test were used to process and analyze empirical data when adapting and modifying the original instrument. The SPSS 19.0 software was used for data processing. The final version of the adapted and modified instrument includes six scales: “Democratic parenting style”, “Authoritarian parenting style”, “Liberal parenting style”, “Indifferent parenting style”, “Imitation”, “Identification”.

Results. The correlation analysis confirmed the high homogeneity and construct validity of the adapted and modified version of the instrument, and the Cronbach coefficient showed its reliability and consistency. Sufficient retest reliability was proven. The empirical, content and external validity of the instrument was assessed, as a result of satisfactory indicators were obtained.

Conclusions. The adapted and modified Russian-language version—The Measuring Family Parenting Styles and Mechanisms of Social Learning Questionnaire—of the original instrument is sufficiently reliable and valid. It makes it possible to study family parenting styles and can be used for both research and applied purposes by professionals in the field of parent-child relationships.



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