Psychological safety of teachers of special needs schools located at different distances from the territorial center of the federal subject (region)
psychological safety, educational environment, teachers, special needs schools, remoteness from the territorial centerAbstract
Introduction. The psychological health and well-being of students at all stages of their development is a priority task of the education system. This is particularly important for students of special needs schools, who require a special and careful attitude which is possible only in a psychologically safe educational environment. There is evidence that the degree of psychological safety of the educational environment affects the psychological well-being of teachers and, through them, the psychological state of students. Prior research established that the level of psychological safety of teachers of secondary vocational schools has significant differences depending on the distance from the territorial center of the region. Teachers of secondary vocational schools from more remote educational organizations have a higher level of psychological safety. The present study aims to ascertain if such differences apply to teachers of special needs schools.
Materials and Methods. The sample included 555 teachers of special needs schools. The respondents were divided into two groups depending on the distance of their school from the territorial center of the region. The level of psychological safety was measured using the Psychological Safety of the School Educational Environment test by I. A. Baeva.
Results. All respondents report a high level of psychological safety in the educational environment. The level of psychological safety of teachers working in less remote special needs schools is significantly higher than that of teachers from more remote schools. The analysis of variance confirmed that the level of the teachers’ psychological safety depends on the remoteness of the special needs school from the territorial center of the region.
Conclusions. The results indicate that it is important to take into account the type of educational institution and its remoteness from the territorial center in the development of psychological support programs for teachers.
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