Online search for educational information in the structure of online educational activity of school students with different academic motivation




neural networks, default mode network, executive network, executive functions, eye tracker, Internet search, adolescent


Introduction. Today, searching for information on the Internet is one of the key cognitive tasks that students face both at school and at home. The question also arises about the relationship between the success of cognitive tasks and the activity of default mode networks.

Materials and Methods. The result of searching for certain information on the Internet was compared with the performance of other tasks. The study assessed executive functions (working memory and inhibitory control); parameters obtained using eye tracking while students were reading the instructions; and 5-minute EEG recordings (64 channels).

Results. The result of multivariate analysis was a bicomponent (Two-Block PLS) model, which includes variables representing a series of instrumental data (46 variables and series of features). Accordingly, 46 latent structures were obtained. The article analyzes the links between two latent structures. It was shown that the resulting model reflects the work of the executive network and the default mode network. The activity of these networks corresponded both to the changes in indicators assessed using the eye tracker and to the parameters of working memory and inhibitory control. Pronounced changes in the parameters of working memory are associated with the performance of the task and the activity of the executive network at rest. The lack of connection between the parameters of executive functions and the performance of the task of searching for information on the Internet was associated only with the activation of the default mode network at rest.

Conclusions. A model was developed to show the relationship between default mode networks and the development level of executive functions. It allows to describe the degree of success of an adolescent’s search for information on the Internet.



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