Emotional intelligence of students with different locus of control
emotional intelligence, localization of responsibility, locus of control, internality, externality, studentsAbstract
Introduction. The article is devoted to the emotional intelligence of students who have an internal or external locus of control. The central position of the study is that students with different locus of control have differences in the features of emotional intelligence. The particular hypothesis of the study is that students with the internal locus of control have higher emotional intelligence than students with the external locus of control.
Materials and Methods. The sample included 54 students of Saint Petersburg universities aged 18 to 35 (13 males and 41 females): 27 students aged 18–22 and 27 students aged 23–35. The empirical data was collected using N. Hall’s Emotional Intelligence Test, D. V. Lyusin’s Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire and J. Rotters’s Locus of Control Scale (modified by A. G. Gretsov). The Mann—Whitney U test was used to compare emotional intelligence components of students who have different locus of control. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient was used to establish the correlations between emotional intelligence components and locus of control.
Results. The study revealed significant differences in the components of students’ emotional intelligence and their locus of control depending on age and gender. It was found that students aged 23–35 have more pronounced skills of managing their own emotions and the emotions of others, a clearer idea of their “I” and a clearer understanding of the motives of behavior compared to students aged 18–22. Females significantly more often demonstrate better ability to control their emotions and the emotions of others, as well as to understand their own emotions, as compared to males. The study revealed significant differences between the components of emotional intelligence of students with different locus of control. The study also established significant connections between the components of emotional intelligence and locus of control. Specifically, students with the internal locus of control manage their emotions better, and they also have higher scores of self-motivation, empathy and interpersonal emotional intelligence than students with the external locus of control.
Conclusions. The data obtained can be used to identify the main areas of work aimed at improving the components of emotional intelligence viewed as an internal resource which helps students to become professionals.
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