Personal qualities of cadets on secondary vocational education programmes as a success factor of military training


  • Tatyana Yu. Churanova Military Academy of Logistical Support “General of the Army A. V. Khrulyov”
  • Andrey A. Blaginin Military Medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov MO RF



personal qualities, professional selection, professional psychological selection in a military educational institution, memory, thinking, imagination, communication skills, moral normativity


The article discusses how personal qualities of cadets on the programmes of secondary vocational military education correlate with training outcomes. The paper outlines the importance of training mid-level professionals (ensigns) for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Research in psychology and pedagogy most commonly focuses on cadets on university degree programmes (future officers). However, there is a dearth of psychological studies exploring how personal qualities of cadets receiving secondary vocational education impact training in a military school. The purpose of the article is to identify differences in the quality of cognitive processes (attention, memory, thinking, imagination, etc.) between “successful” and “less successful” students of military schools. It also aims to reveal the relationship between personal qualities of cadets (behavioral regulation, communicative potential, moral normativity, personal adaptive potential) and the results of training.

The analysis is based on the data obtained during the psychological examination of applicants as part of the professional psychological selection to a military educational institution. The analysis identified differences in the level of general intellectual development (namely, cognitive processes: attention, memory, thinking, imagination, etc.) and personal qualities (communicative abilities, moral normativity, etc.) of cadets. These were compared with the results of their training at the end of the first year of a secondary military vocational education programme.

The article explains which scores (the results of training) determine academically “successful” and “less successful” cadets.

The success of training is assessed by the two following criteria: progress in academic disciplines; achievements in military service, sports, R&D, amateur art work, etc. This allows to identify exactly which individual psychological qualities have a higher impact on the effectiveness of academic performance and other activities of cadets during their studies.

As a result, statistically significant differences between “successful” and “less successful” cadets were revealed in their level of memory, thinking, imagination, communication skills, moral normativity, and ability to adapt. The article provides recommendations for experts in professional psychological selection, teachers, commanders and psychologists on taking into account personal qualities of cadets during the selection and training of cadets at a military education institution.



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