Assessment of the environmental situation in the region as a moderator of the relationship between resilience and health-related quality of life in student youth
resilience, health-related quality of life, environmental disadvantage, youth, studentsAbstract
Introduction. Poor environmental conditions in the region of residence affect the health-related quality of life and constitute a risk factor which is widely discussed in modern psychological research into the problems of youth resilience. The article presents the results of a study of the relationship between resilience and health-related quality of life in student youth living in regions with different environmental conditions.
Materials and methods. The sample included 311 students of vocational schools and higher education institutions aged 16–20 from regions with different environmental conditions. Empirical data were collected by the Child and Youth Resilience Measure (CYRM-28), the 20-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-20) and a questionnaire for assessing the environmental situation in the region of residence.
Results. Young people who live in environmentally distressed areas showed lower scores when assessing environmental conditions (F = 20.60 at p < 0.001), as well as lower scores of resilience and its components (4.48 ≤ F ≤ 5.71 at p < 0.001), but they showed higher scores of physical functioning and no significant differences in other parameters of quality of life (F = 5.16 at p < 0.05), as compared to the youth from regions with good environmental situation. Modeling by structural equations with path analysis showed that resilience is directly influenced by indicators of current health perception, as well as indicators of physical functionating and role functioning (with opposite signs). The contribution of these indicators is mediated by the assessment of environmental conditions (χ2 = 2.98, CFI = 0.995, RMSCA = 0.049). Higher scores in assessment of environmental conditions enhance the positive effect of role functioning indicators and mitigate the negative effect of the physical functioning indicators on resilience.
Conclusion. The results of the study can be used in the development of psychological support programs for young people living in environmentally distressed regions. Such programs should take into account the tendency of youth to overestimate the quality of physical functioning against the background of low assessment of environmental conditions.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Alexander V. Makhnach, Anna I. Laktionova, Yulia V. Postylyakova, Irina A. Gorkovaya, Nadezhda M. Saraeva, Aleksey A. Sukhanov
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